Calling All Artists!

Are you an artist?

Has your experience with art been impacted by Gordon Smith’s legacy of supporting art education? Have you been influenced by Gordon Smith’s artistic practice in your work? In either case, the Smith Foundation wants to hear from you!

As a part of our first-ever Brilliance Gala, the Gordon and Marion Smith Foundation is honoured to be curating a Friends of Gordon art collection to be sold at a silent auction at the event on June 15th, 2023. The proceeds will support Artists for Kids as they uphold the cause closest to Gordon Smith’s heart: quality art education for all.

Throughout his outstanding career, Gordon Smith created a legacy of warmth, generosity, and creative spark in all those who met him. In compiling a collection of artworks and an accompanying catalogue demonstrating the expanse of Gordon’s influence, the Smith Foundation will develop a lasting and tangible archive of Gordon’s network of influence.

For the submission criteria, please contact us at The deadline to submit is March 14th, 2023.